2020 wrap up.
Well, it’s been ages since i’ve done a blog post. As it turns out, despite being the weirdest year in my lifetime, things have been busy over here and some absolutely incredible music has come out of the Funhouse over the last 12 months.
Some of the coolest and most exciting records I’ve ever had the pleasure of working will be coming out early 2021, and some of these include the debut albums from Sydney’s Magnetic Heads and Shearin, as well as the second album by Imperial Broads. I will go into more detail about these albums with dedicated blog posts on their release.
Also excitingly, I’ve had a few moments here and there to work on my own Lewis Goldmark project, with a single out this year (see my PROJECTS page) and album early next year.
Other things of interest - I’ve got a new console, and in general I tend to be using less plugins and more outboard at the moment.
Be well all, and happy holidays.